Source code for kmapper.cover

from __future__ import division

    from import Iterable
    from collections import Iterable

import warnings
from itertools import product
import numpy as np

# TODO: Incorporate @pablodecm's cover API.

__all__ = ["Cover", "CubicalCover"]

[docs]class Cover: """Helper class that defines the default covering scheme It calculates the cover based on the following formula for overlap. ( :: |cube[i] intersection cube[i+1]| overlap = -------------------------------------- |cube[i]| Parameters ============ n_cubes: int Number of hypercubes along each dimension. Sometimes referred to as resolution. perc_overlap: float Amount of overlap between adjacent cubes calculated only along 1 dimension. limits: Numpy Array (n_dim,2) (lower bound, upper bound) for every dimension If a value is set to `float('inf')`, the bound will be assumed to be the min/max value of the dimension Also, if `limits == None`, the limits are defined by the maximum and minimum value of the lens for all dimensions. i.e. `[[min_1, max_1], [min_2, max_2], [min_3, max_3]]` Example --------- :: >>> import numpy as np >>> from kmapper.cover import Cover >>> data = np.random.random((100,2)) >>> cov = Cover(n_cubes=15, perc_overlap=0.75) >>> cube_centers = >>> cov.transform_single(data, cube_centers[0]) array([[0.3594448 , 0.07428465], [0.14490332, 0.01395559], [0.94988668, 0.03983579], [0.73517978, 0.09420806], [0.16903735, 0.06901085], [0.81578595, 0.10708731], [0.26923572, 0.12216203], [0.89203167, 0.0711279 ], [0.80442115, 0.10220901], [0.33210782, 0.04365007], [0.52207707, 0.05892861], [0.26589744, 0.08502856], [0.02360067, 0.1263653 ], [0.29855631, 0.01209373]]) >>> hyper_cubes = cov.transform(data, cube_centers) """
[docs] def __init__(self, n_cubes=10, perc_overlap=0.5, limits=None, verbose=0): self.centers_ = None self.radius_ = None self.inset_ = None self.inner_range_ = None self.bounds_ = None self.di_ = None self.n_cubes = n_cubes self.perc_overlap = perc_overlap self.limits = limits self.verbose = verbose # Check limits can actually be handled and are set appropriately assert isinstance( self.limits, (list, np.ndarray, type(None)) ), "limits should either be an array or None" if isinstance(self.limits, (list, np.ndarray)): self.limits = np.array(self.limits) assert self.limits.shape[1] == 2, "limits should be (n_dim,2) in shape"
def __repr__(self): return "Cover(n_cubes=%s, perc_overlap=%s, limits=%s, verbose=%s)" % ( self.n_cubes, self.perc_overlap, self.limits, self.verbose, ) def _compute_bounds(self, data): # If self.limits is array-like if isinstance(self.limits, np.ndarray): # limits_array is used so we can change the values of self.limits from None to the min/max limits_array = np.zeros(self.limits.shape) limits_array[:, 0] = np.min(data, axis=0) limits_array[:, 1] = np.max(data, axis=0) limits_array[self.limits != float("inf")] = 0 self.limits[self.limits == float("inf")] = 0 bounds_arr = self.limits + limits_array """ bounds_arr[i,j] = self.limits[i,j] if self.limits[i,j] == inf bounds_arr[i,j] = max/min(data[i]) if self.limits == inf """ bounds = (bounds_arr[:, 0], bounds_arr[:, 1]) # Check new bounds are actually sensible - do they cover the range of values in the dataset? if not ( (np.min(data, axis=0) >= bounds_arr[:, 0]).all() or (np.max(data, axis=0) <= bounds_arr[:, 1]).all() ): warnings.warn( "The limits given do not cover the entire range of the lens functions\n" + "Actual Minima: %s\tInput Minima: %s\n" % (np.min(data, axis=0), bounds_arr[:, 0]) + "Actual Maxima: %s\tInput Maxima: %s\n" % (np.max(data, axis=0), bounds_arr[:, 1]) ) else: # It must be None, as we checked to see if it is array-like or None in __init__ bounds = (np.min(data, axis=0), np.max(data, axis=0)) return bounds
[docs] def fit(self, data): """Fit a cover on the data. This method constructs centers and radii in each dimension given the `perc_overlap` and `n_cube`. Parameters ============ data: array-like Data to apply the cover to. Warning: First column must be an index column. Returns ======== centers: list of arrays A list of centers for each cube """ # TODO: support indexing into any columns di = np.array(range(1, data.shape[1])) indexless_data = data[:, di] n_dims = indexless_data.shape[1] # support different values along each dimension ## -- is a list, needs to be array ## -- is a singleton, needs repeating if isinstance(self.n_cubes, Iterable): n_cubes = np.array(self.n_cubes) assert ( len(n_cubes) == n_dims ), "Custom cubes in each dimension must match number of dimensions" else: n_cubes = np.repeat(self.n_cubes, n_dims) if isinstance(self.perc_overlap, Iterable): perc_overlap = np.array(self.perc_overlap) assert ( len(perc_overlap) == n_dims ), "Custom cubes in each dimension must match number of dimensions" else: perc_overlap = np.repeat(self.perc_overlap, n_dims) assert all(0.0 <= p <= 1.0 for p in perc_overlap), ( "Each overlap percentage must be between 0.0 and 1.0., not %s" % perc_overlap ) bounds = self._compute_bounds(indexless_data) ranges = bounds[1] - bounds[0] # (n-1)/n |range| inner_range = ((n_cubes - 1) / n_cubes) * ranges inset = (ranges - inner_range) / 2 # |range| / (2n ( 1 - p)) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): radius = ranges / (2 * (n_cubes) * (1 - perc_overlap)) # centers are fixed w.r.t perc_overlap zip_items = list(bounds) # work around 2.7,3.4 weird behavior zip_items.extend([n_cubes, inset]) centers_per_dimension = [ np.linspace(b + r, c - r, num=n) for b, c, n, r in zip(*zip_items) ] centers = [np.array(c) for c in product(*centers_per_dimension)] self.centers_ = centers self.radius_ = radius self.inset_ = inset self.inner_range_ = inner_range self.bounds_ = bounds self.di_ = di if self.verbose > 0: print( " - Cover - centers: %s\ninner_range: %s\nradius: %s" % (self.centers_, self.inner_range_, self.radius_) ) return centers
[docs] def transform_single(self, data, center, i=0): """Compute entries of `data` in hypercube centered at `center` Parameters =========== data: array-like Data to find in entries in cube. Warning: first column must be index column. center: array-like Center points for the cube. Cube is found as all data in `[center-self.radius_, center+self.radius_]` i: int, default 0 Optional counter to aid in verbose debugging. """ lowerbounds, upperbounds = center - self.radius_, center + self.radius_ # Slice the hypercube entries = (data[:, self.di_] >= lowerbounds) & ( data[:, self.di_] <= upperbounds ) hypercube = data[np.invert(np.any(entries == False, axis=1))] if self.verbose > 1: print( "There are %s points in cube %s/%s" % (hypercube.shape[0], i + 1, len(self.centers_)) ) return hypercube
[docs] def transform(self, data, centers=None): """Find entries of all hypercubes. If `centers=None`, then use `self.centers_` as computed in ``. Empty hypercubes are removed from the result Parameters =========== data: array-like Data to find in entries in cube. Warning: first column must be index column. centers: list of array-like Center points for all cubes as returned by ``. Default is to use `self.centers_`. Returns ========= hypercubes: list of array-like list of entries in each hypercube in `data`. """ centers = centers or self.centers_ hypercubes = [ self.transform_single(data, cube, i) for i, cube in enumerate(centers) ] # Clean out any empty cubes (common in high dimensions) hypercubes = [cube for cube in hypercubes if len(cube)] return hypercubes
def fit_transform(self, data): return self.transform(data)
[docs] def find(self, data_point): """Finds the hypercubes that contain the given data point. Parameters =========== data_point: array-like The data point to locate. Returns ========= cube_ids: list of int list of hypercube indices, empty if the data point is outside the cover. """ cube_ids = [] for i, center in enumerate(self.centers_): lower_bounds, upper_bounds = center - self.radius_, center + self.radius_ if np.all(data_point >= lower_bounds) and np.all( data_point <= upper_bounds ): cube_ids.append(i) return cube_ids
class CubicalCover(Cover): """ Explicit definition of a cubical cover as the default behavior of the cover class. This is currently identical to the default cover class. """ pass