Source code for kmapper.kmapper

from __future__ import division

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
import inspect
import itertools
import os
import sys
import warnings

import numpy as np
from sklearn import cluster, preprocessing, manifold, decomposition
from sklearn.model_selection import StratifiedKFold, KFold
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy.sparse import issparse, hstack

from .cover import Cover
from .nerve import GraphNerve
from .visuals import (
from .utils import deprecated_alias

# expose "cluster" to make examples and usage tidier
__all__ = ["KeplerMapper", "cluster"]

[docs]class KeplerMapper(object): """With this class you can build topological networks from (high-dimensional) data. 1) Fit a projection/lens/function to a dataset and transform it. For instance "mean_of_row(x) for x in X" 2) Map this projection with overlapping intervals/hypercubes. Cluster the points inside the interval (Note: we cluster on the inverse image/original data to lessen projection loss). If two clusters/nodes have the same members (due to the overlap), then: connect these with an edge. 3) Visualize the network using HTML and D3.js. KM has a number of nice features, some which get forgotten. - ``project``: Some projections it makes sense to use a distance matrix, such as knn_distance_#. Using ``distance_matrix = <metric>`` for a custom metric. - ``fit_transform``: Applies a sequence of projections. Currently, this API is a little confusing and might be changed in the future. """
[docs] def __init__(self, verbose=0): """Constructor for KeplerMapper class. Parameters =========== verbose: int, default is 0 Logging level. Currently 3 levels (0,1,2) are supported. For no logging, set `verbose=0`. For some logging, set `verbose=1`. For complete logging, set `verbose=2`. """ # TODO: move as many of the arguments from fit_transform and map into here. self.verbose = verbose self.projection = None self.scaler = None self.cover = None if verbose > 0: print(self)
def __repr__(self): return "KeplerMapper(verbose={})".format(self.verbose)
[docs] def project( self, X, projection="sum", scaler="default:MinMaxScaler", distance_matrix=None, ): """Creates the projection/lens from a dataset. Input the data set. Specify a projection/lens type. Output the projected data/lens. Parameters ---------- X : Numpy Array The data to fit a projection/lens to. projection : Projection parameter is either a string, a Scikit-learn class with fit_transform, like manifold.TSNE(), or a list of dimension indices. A string from ["sum", "mean", "median", "max", "min", "std", "dist_mean", "l2norm", "knn_distance_n"]. If using knn_distance_n write the number of desired neighbors in place of n: knn_distance_5 for summed distances to 5 nearest neighbors. Default = "sum". scaler : Scikit-Learn API compatible scaler. Scaler of the data applied after mapping. Use None for no scaling. Default = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() if None, do no scaling, else apply scaling to the projection. Default: Min-Max scaling distance_matrix : Either str or None If not None, then any of ["braycurtis", "canberra", "chebyshev", "cityblock", "correlation", "cosine", "dice", "euclidean", "hamming", "jaccard", "kulsinski", "mahalanobis", "matching", "minkowski", "rogerstanimoto", "russellrao", "seuclidean", "sokalmichener", "sokalsneath", "sqeuclidean", "yule"]. If False do nothing, else create a squared distance matrix with the chosen metric, before applying the projection. Returns ------- lens : Numpy Array projected data. Examples -------- >>> # Project by taking the first dimension and third dimension >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> projection=[0,2] >>> ) >>> # Project by taking the sum of row values >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> projection="sum" >>> ) >>> # Do not scale the projection (default is minmax-scaling) >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> scaler=None >>> ) >>> # Project by standard-scaled summed distance to 5 nearest neighbors >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> projection="knn_distance_5", >>> scaler=sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler() >>> ) >>> # Project by first two PCA components >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> projection=sklearn.decomposition.PCA() >>> ) >>> # Project by first three UMAP components >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> projection=umap.UMAP(n_components=3) >>> ) >>> # Project by L2-norm on squared Pearson distance matrix >>> X_projected = mapper.project( >>> X_inverse, >>> projection="l2norm", >>> distance_matrix="pearson" >>> ) >>> # Mix and match different projections >>> X_projected = np.c_[ >>> mapper.project(X_inverse, projection=sklearn.decomposition.PCA()), >>> mapper.project(X_inverse, projection="knn_distance_5") >>> ] """ # Sae original values off so they can be referenced by later functions in the pipeline self.inverse = X scaler = ( preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() if scaler == "default:MinMaxScaler" else scaler ) self.scaler = scaler self.projection = str(projection) self.distance_matrix = distance_matrix if self.verbose > 0: print("..Projecting on data shaped %s" % (str(X.shape))) # If distance_matrix is a scipy.spatial.pdist string, we create a square distance matrix # from the vectors, before applying a projection. if self.distance_matrix in [ "braycurtis", "canberra", "chebyshev", "cityblock", "correlation", "cosine", "dice", "euclidean", "hamming", "jaccard", "kulsinski", "mahalanobis", "matching", "minkowski", "rogerstanimoto", "russellrao", "seuclidean", "sokalmichener", "sokalsneath", "sqeuclidean", "yule", ]: X = distance.squareform(distance.pdist(X, metric=distance_matrix)) if self.verbose > 0: print( "Created distance matrix, shape: %s, with distance metric `%s`" % (X.shape, distance_matrix) ) # Detect if projection is a class (for scikit-learn) try: p = projection.get_params() # fail quickly reducer = projection if self.verbose > 0: try: projection.set_params(**{"verbose": self.verbose}) except: pass print("\n..Projecting data using: \n\t%s\n" % str(projection)) X = reducer.fit_transform(X) except: pass # What is this used for? if isinstance(projection, tuple): X = self._process_projection_tuple(projection) # Detect if projection is a string (for standard functions) # TODO: test each one of these projections if isinstance(projection, str): if self.verbose > 0: print("\n..Projecting data using: %s" % (projection)) def dist_mean(X, axis=1): X_mean = np.mean(X, axis=0) X = np.sum(np.sqrt((X - X_mean) ** 2), axis=1) return X projection_funcs = { "sum": np.sum, "mean": np.mean, "median": np.median, "max": np.max, "min": np.min, "std": np.std, "l2norm": np.linalg.norm, "dist_mean": dist_mean, } if projection in projection_funcs.keys(): X = projection_funcs[projection](X, axis=1).reshape((X.shape[0], 1)) if "knn_distance_" in projection: n_neighbors = int(projection.split("_")[2]) if ( self.distance_matrix ): # We use the distance matrix for finding neighbors X = np.sum(np.sort(X, axis=1)[:, :n_neighbors], axis=1).reshape( (X.shape[0], 1) ) else: from sklearn import neighbors nn = neighbors.NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=n_neighbors) X = np.sum( nn.kneighbors(X, n_neighbors=n_neighbors, return_distance=True)[ 0 ], axis=1, ).reshape((X.shape[0], 1)) # Detect if projection is a list (with dimension indices) if isinstance(projection, list): if self.verbose > 0: print("\n..Projecting data using: %s" % (str(projection))) X = X[:, np.array(projection)] # If projection produced sparse output, turn into a dense array if issparse(X): X = X.toarray() if self.verbose > 0: print("\n..Created projection shaped %s" % (str(X.shape))) # Scaling if scaler is not None: if self.verbose > 0: print("\n..Scaling with: %s\n" % str(scaler)) X = scaler.fit_transform(X) return X
[docs] def fit_transform( self, X, projection="sum", scaler="default:MinMaxScaler", distance_matrix=False, ): """Same as .project() but accepts lists for arguments so you can chain. Examples -------- >>> # Stack / chain projections. You could do this manually, >>> # or pipeline with `.fit_transform()`. Works the same as `.project()`, >>> # but accepts lists. f(raw text) -> f(tfidf) -> f(isomap 100d) -> f(umap 2d) >>> projected_X = mapper.fit_transform( >>> X, >>> projections=[TfidfVectorizer(analyzer="char", >>> ngram_range=(1,6), >>> max_df=0.93, >>> min_df=0.03), >>> manifold.Isomap(n_components=100, >>> n_jobs=-1), >>> umap.UMAP(n_components=2, >>> random_state=1)], >>> scalers=[None, >>> None, >>> preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()], >>> distance_matrices=[False, >>> False, >>> False]) """ projections = projection scaler = ( preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() if scaler == "default:MinMaxScaler" else scaler ) scalers = scaler distance_matrices = distance_matrix # Turn single projection arguments into a pipeline if isinstance(projection, list) and isinstance(projection[0], int): projections = [projection] if not isinstance(projection, list): projections = [projection] # Turn single scaler arguments into a pipeline if not isinstance(scaler, list): scalers = [scaler] # Turn single distance matrix arguments into a pipeline if not isinstance(distance_matrix, list): distance_matrices = [distance_matrix] # set defaults to first list item, if not (correctly) set by the user if len(scalers) != len(projections): scalers = [scalers[0]] * len(projections) if len(distance_matrices) != len(projections): distance_matrices = [distance_matrices[0]] * len(projections) if self.verbose > 0: print("..Composing projection pipeline of length %s:" % (len(projections))) print("\tProjections: %s" % ("\n\t\t".join(map(str, projections)))) print("\tDistance matrices: %s" % ("\n".join(map(str, distance_matrices)))) print("\tScalers: %s" % ("\n".join(map(str, scalers)))) # Pipeline Stack the projection functions lens = X for projection, scaler, distance_matrix in zip( projections, scalers, distance_matrices ): lens = self.project( lens, projection=projection, scaler=scaler, distance_matrix=distance_matrix, ) return lens
[docs] def map( self, lens, X=None, clusterer=None, cover=None, nerve=None, precomputed=False, remove_duplicate_nodes=False, ): """Apply Mapper algorithm on this projection and build a simplicial complex. Returns a dictionary with nodes and links. Parameters ---------- lens: Numpy Array Lower dimensional representation of data. In general will be output of `fit_transform`. X: Numpy Array Original data or data to run clustering on. If `None`, then use `lens` as default. X can be a SciPy sparse matrix. clusterer: Default: DBSCAN Scikit-learn API compatible clustering algorithm. Must provide `fit` and `predict`. cover: kmapper.Cover Cover scheme for lens. Instance of kmapper.cover providing methods `fit` and `transform`. nerve: kmapper.Nerve Nerve builder implementing `__call__(nodes)` API precomputed : Boolean Tell Mapper whether the data that you are clustering on is a precomputed distance matrix. If set to `True`, the assumption is that you are also telling your `clusterer` that `metric='precomputed'` (which is an argument for DBSCAN among others), which will then cause the clusterer to expect a square distance matrix for each hypercube. `precomputed=True` will give a square matrix to the clusterer to fit on for each hypercube. remove_duplicate_nodes: Boolean Removes duplicate nodes before edges are determined. A node is considered to be duplicate if it has exactly the same set of points as another node. nr_cubes: Int .. deprecated:: 1.1.6 define Cover explicitly in future versions The number of intervals/hypercubes to create. Default = 10. overlap_perc: Float .. deprecated:: 1.1.6 define Cover explicitly in future versions The percentage of overlap "between" the intervals/hypercubes. Default = 0.1. Returns ======= simplicial_complex : dict A dictionary with "nodes", "links" and "meta" information. Examples ======== >>> # Default mapping. >>> graph =, X_inverse) >>> # Apply clustering on the projection instead of on inverse X >>> graph = >>> # Use 20 cubes/intervals per projection dimension, with a 50% overlap >>> graph =, X_inverse, >>> cover=kmapper.Cover(n_cubes=20, perc_overlap=0.5)) >>> # Use multiple different cubes/intervals per projection dimension, >>> # And vary the overlap >>> graph =, X_inverse, >>> cover=km.Cover(n_cubes=[10,20,5], >>> perc_overlap=[0.1,0.2,0.5])) >>> # Use KMeans with 2 clusters >>> graph =, X_inverse, >>> clusterer=sklearn.cluster.KMeans(2)) >>> # Use DBSCAN with "cosine"-distance >>> graph =, X_inverse, >>> clusterer=sklearn.cluster.DBSCAN(metric="cosine")) >>> # Use HDBSCAN as the clusterer >>> graph =, X_inverse, >>> clusterer=hdbscan.HDBSCAN()) >>> # Parametrize the nerve of the covering >>> graph =, X_inverse, >>> nerve=km.GraphNerve(min_intersection=3)) """ start = clusterer = clusterer or cluster.DBSCAN(eps=0.5, min_samples=3) self.cover = cover or Cover(n_cubes=10, perc_overlap=0.1) nerve = nerve or GraphNerve() nodes = defaultdict(list) meta = defaultdict(list) graph = {} # If inverse image is not provided, we use the projection as the inverse image (suffer projection loss) if X is None: X = lens if self.verbose > 0: print( "Mapping on data shaped %s using lens shaped %s\n" % (str(X.shape), str(lens.shape)) ) # Prefix'ing the data with an ID column ids = np.array([x for x in range(lens.shape[0])]) lens = np.c_[ids, lens] if issparse(X): X = hstack([ids[np.newaxis].T, X], format="csr") else: X = np.c_[ids, X] # Cover scheme defines a list of elements bins = # Algo's like K-Means, have a set number of clusters. We need this number # to adjust for the minimal number of samples inside an interval before # we consider clustering or skipping it. cluster_params = clusterer.get_params() min_cluster_samples = None for parameter in ["n_clusters", "min_cluster_size", "min_samples"]: value = cluster_params.get(parameter) if value and isinstance(value, int): min_cluster_samples = value break if not min_cluster_samples: min_cluster_samples = 2 if self.verbose > 1: print( "Minimal points in hypercube before clustering: {}".format( min_cluster_samples ) ) # Subdivide the projected data X in intervals/hypercubes with overlap if self.verbose > 0: bins = list(bins) # extract list from generator total_bins = len(bins) print("Creating %s hypercubes." % total_bins) for i, hypercube in enumerate(self.cover.transform(lens)): # If at least min_cluster_samples samples inside the hypercube if hypercube.shape[0] >= min_cluster_samples: # Cluster the data point(s) in the cube, skipping the id-column # Note that we apply clustering on the inverse image (original data samples) that fall inside the cube. ids = [int(nn) for nn in hypercube[:, 0]] X_cube = X[ids] fit_data = X_cube[:, 1:] if precomputed: fit_data = fit_data[:, ids] cluster_predictions = clusterer.fit_predict(fit_data) if self.verbose > 1: print( " > Found %s clusters in hypercube %s." % ( np.unique( cluster_predictions[cluster_predictions > -1] ).shape[0], i, ) ) for pred in np.unique(cluster_predictions): # if not predicted as noise if pred != -1 and not np.isnan(pred): cluster_id = "cube{}_cluster{}".format(i, int(pred)) nodes[cluster_id] = ( hypercube[:, 0][cluster_predictions == pred] .astype(int) .tolist() ) elif self.verbose > 1: print("Cube_%s is empty.\n" % (i)) if remove_duplicate_nodes: nodes = self._remove_duplicate_nodes(nodes) links, simplices = nerve.compute(nodes) graph["nodes"] = nodes graph["links"] = links graph["simplices"] = simplices graph["meta_data"] = { "projection": self.projection if self.projection else "custom", "n_cubes": self.cover.n_cubes, "perc_overlap": self.cover.perc_overlap, "clusterer": str(clusterer), "scaler": str(self.scaler), "nerve_min_intersection": nerve.min_intersection } graph["meta_nodes"] = meta if self.verbose > 0: self._summary(graph, str( - start)) return graph
def _remove_duplicate_nodes(self, nodes): # invert node list and merge duplicate nodes deduped_items = defaultdict(list) for node_id, items in nodes.items(): deduped_items[frozenset(items)].append(node_id) deduped_nodes = { "-".join(node_id_list): list(frozen_items) for frozen_items, node_id_list in deduped_items.items() } if self.verbose > 0: total_merged = len(nodes) - len(deduped_items) if total_merged: print("Merged {} duplicate nodes.\n".format(total_merged)) print( "Number of nodes before merger: {}; after merger: {}\n".format( len(nodes), len(deduped_nodes) ) ) else: print("No duplicate nodes found to remove.\n") return deduped_nodes def _summary(self, graph, time): # TODO: this summary is dependent on the type of Nerve being built. links = graph["links"] nodes = graph["nodes"] nr_links = sum(len(v) for k, v in links.items()) print("\nCreated %s edges and %s nodes in %s." % (nr_links, len(nodes), time))
[docs] @deprecated_alias(color_function="color_values") def visualize( self, graph, color_values=None, color_function_name=None, node_color_function="mean", colorscale=None, custom_tooltips=None, custom_meta=None, path_html="mapper_visualization_output.html", title="Kepler Mapper", save_file=True, X=None, X_names=None, lens=None, lens_names=None, nbins=10, include_searchbar=False, include_min_intersection_selector=False ): """Generate a visualization of the simplicial complex mapper output. Turns the complex dictionary into a HTML/D3.js visualization Parameters ---------- graph : dict Simplicial complex output from the `map` method. color_function : list or 1d array .. deprecated:: 1.4.1 Use `color_values` instead. color_values : list or 1d array, or list of 1d arrays color_values are sets (1d arrays) of values -- for each set, there should be one color value for each datapoint. These color values are used to compute the color value of a _node_ by applying `node_color_function` to the color values of each point within the node. The distribution of color_values for a given node can also be viewed in the visualization under the node details pane. A list of sets of color values (a list of 1d arrays) can be passed. If this is the case, then the visualization will have a toggle button for switching the visualization's currently active set of color values. If no color_values passed, then the data points' row positions are used as the set of color values. color_function_name : String or list A descriptor of the functions used to generate `color_values`. Will be used as labels in the visualization. If set, must be equal to the number of columns in color_values. node_color_function : String or 1d array, default is 'mean' Applied to the color_values of data points within a node to determine the color of the nodes. Will be applied column-wise to color_values. Must be a function available on numpy class object -- e.g., 'mean' => np.mean(). If array, then 1d array of strings of np function names. Each node_color_function will be applied to each set of color_values (full permutation), and a toggle button will allow switching between the current active node_color_function for the visualization. See `` colorscale : list Specify the colorscale to use. See visuals.colorscale_default. path_html : String file name for outputing the resulting html. custom_meta: dict Render (key, value) in the Mapper Summary pane. custom_tooltip: list or array like Value to display for each entry in the node. The cluster data pane will display entries for all values in the node. Default is index of data. save_file: bool, default is True Save file to `path_html`. X: numpy arraylike If supplied, compute statistics information about the original data source with respect to each node. X_names: list of strings Names of each variable in `X` to be displayed. If None, then display names by index. lens: numpy arraylike If supplied, compute statistics of each node based on the projection/lens lens_name: list of strings Names of each variable in `lens` to be displayed. In None, then display names by index. nbins: int, default is 10 Number of bins shown in histogram of tooltip color distributions. include_searchbar: bool, default False Whether to include a search bar at the top of the visualization. The search functionality performs permits AND, OR, and EXACT methods, all against lowercased tooltips. * AND: the search query is split by whitespace. A data point's custom tooltip must match _each_ of the query terms in order to match overall. The base size of a node is multiplied by the number of datapoints matching the searchquery. * OR: the search query is split by whitespace. A data point's custom tooltip must match _any_ of the query terms in order to match overall. The base size of a node is multiplied by the number of datapoints matching the searchquery. * EXACT: A data point's custom tooltip must exactly match the query. Any nodes with a matching datapoint are set to glow. To reset any search-induced visual alterations, submit an empty search query. include_min_intersection_selector: bool, default False Whether to include an input to dynamically change the min_intersection for an edge to be drawn. Returns -------- html: string Returns the same html that is normally output to `path_html`. Complete graph and data ready for viewing. Examples --------- >>> # Basic creation of a `.html` file at `kepler-mapper-output.html` >>> html = mapper.visualize(graph, path_html="kepler-mapper-output.html") >>> # Jupyter Notebook support >>> from kmapper import jupyter >>> html = mapper.visualize(graph, path_html="kepler-mapper-output.html") >>> jupyter.display(path_html="kepler-mapper-output.html") >>> # Customizing the output text >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> path_html="kepler-mapper-output.html", >>> title="Fashion MNIST with UMAP", >>> custom_meta={"Description":"A short description.", >>> "Cluster": "HBSCAN()"} >>> ) >>> # Custom coloring data based on your 1d lens >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> color_values=lens >>> ) >>> # Custom coloring data based on the first variable >>> cf = mapper.project(X, projection=[0]) >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> color_values=cf >>> ) >>> # Customizing the tooltips with binary target variables >>> X, y = split_data(df) >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> path_html="kepler-mapper-output.html", >>> title="Fashion MNIST with UMAP", >>> custom_tooltips=y >>> ) >>> # Customizing the tooltips with html-strings: locally stored images of an image dataset >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> path_html="kepler-mapper-output.html", >>> title="Fashion MNIST with UMAP", >>> custom_tooltips=np.array( >>> ["<img src='img/%s.jpg'>"%i for i in range(inverse_X.shape[0])] >>> ) >>> ) >>> # Using multiple datapoint color functions >>> # Uses a two-dimensional lens, so two `color_function_name`s are required >>> lens = np.c_[isolation_forest_lens, l2_norm_lens] >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> path_html="breast-cancer-multiple-color-functions.html", >>> title="Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset", >>> color_values=lens, >>> color_function_name=['Isolation Forest', 'L2-norm'] >>> ) >>> # Using multiple node color functions >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> path_html="breast-cancer-multiple-color-functions.html", >>> title="Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset", >>> node_color_function=['mean', 'std', 'median', 'max'] >>> ) >>> # Combining both multiple datapoint color functions and multiple node color functions >>> lens = np.c_[isolation_forest_lens, l2_norm_lens] >>> html = mapper.visualize( >>> graph, >>> path_html="breast-cancer-multiple-color-functions.html", >>> title="Wisconsin Breast Cancer Dataset", >>> color_values=lens, >>> color_function_name=['Isolation Forest', 'L2-norm'] >>> node_color_function=['mean', 'std', 'median', 'max'] >>> ) """ if colorscale is None: colorscale = colorscale_default if X_names is None: X_names = [] if lens_names is None: lens_names = [] if not len(graph["nodes"]) > 0: raise Exception( "Visualize requires a mapper with more than 0 nodes. \nIt is possible that the constructed mapper could have been constructed with bad parameters. This can occasionally happens when using the default clustering algorithm. Try changing `eps` or `min_samples` in the DBSCAN clustering algorithm." ) if color_function_name is None: color_function_name = [] elif isinstance(color_function_name, str): color_function_name = [color_function_name] if isinstance(node_color_function, str): node_color_function = [node_color_function] for _node_color_function_name in node_color_function: try: getattr(np, _node_color_function_name) except AttributeError as e: raise AttributeError( "Invalid `node_color_function` {}, must be a function available on `numpy` class.".format( _node_color_function_name ) ) from e if color_values is None: # We generate default `color_values` based on data row order n_samples = np.max([i for s in graph["nodes"].values() for i in s]) + 1 color_values = np.arange(n_samples) if not len(color_function_name): color_function_name = ["Row number"] else: # `color_function_name` was not None, while `color_values` was None # # This is okay, as long as there's only one entry for `color_function_name`. # If this is the case, then that will be used to name the default # `color_values` based on row order. But we will raise a warning. if len(color_function_name) == 1: warnings.warn( "`color_function_name` was set -- however, no `color_values` were passed, so default color_values were computed based on row order, and the passed `color_function_name` will be set as their label. This may be unexpected." ) else: raise Exception( "More than one `color_function_name` was set, while `color_values` was not set. If `color_values` was not set, then only one `color_function_name` can be passed. Refusing to proceed." ) else: color_values = np.array(color_values) # test whether we have a color_function_name for each color_value vector if color_values.ndim == 1: num_color_value_vectors = 1 else: num_color_value_vectors = color_values.shape[1] num_color_function_names = len(color_function_name) if num_color_value_vectors != num_color_function_names: raise Exception( "{} `color_function_names` values found, but {} columns found in color_values. Must be equal.".format( num_color_function_names, num_color_value_vectors ) ) color_values = _scale_color_values(color_values) mapper_data = _format_mapper_data( graph, color_values, node_color_function, X, X_names, lens, lens_names, custom_tooltips, nbins, colorscale=colorscale, ) histogram = [] for _node_color_function_name in node_color_function: _histogram = _graph_data_distribution( graph, color_values, _node_color_function_name, colorscale ) if np.array(_histogram).ndim == 1: _histogram = [_histogram] # javascript will expect the histogram # array to be indexed for the number of # node_color_functions first, and second # for the number of color_functions histogram.append(_histogram) mapper_summary = _format_meta( graph, color_function_name, node_color_function, custom_meta ) html = _render_d3_vis( title, mapper_summary, histogram, mapper_data, colorscale, include_searchbar, include_min_intersection_selector ) if save_file: with open(path_html, "wb") as outfile: if self.verbose > 0: print("Wrote visualization to: %s" % (path_html)) outfile.write(html.encode("utf-8")) return html
[docs] def data_from_cluster_id(self, cluster_id, graph, data): """Returns the original data of each cluster member for a given cluster ID Parameters ---------- cluster_id : String ID of the cluster. graph : dict The resulting dictionary after applying map() data : Numpy Array Original dataset. Accepts both 1-D and 2-D array. Returns ------- entries: rows of cluster member data as Numpy array. """ if cluster_id in graph["nodes"]: cluster_members = graph["nodes"][cluster_id] cluster_members_data = data[cluster_members] return cluster_members_data else: return np.array([])
def _process_projection_tuple(self, projection): # Detect if projection is a tuple (for prediction functions) # TODO: multi-label models # TODO: infer binary classification and select positive class preds # TODO: turn into smaller functions for better tests and complexity # TODO: this seems like outside the purview of mapper. Can we add something like Mapper utils that can do this? def blend(X_blend, pred_fun, folder, X_data, y): for train_index, test_index in folder.split(X_data, y): fold_X_train = X_data[train_index] fold_y_train = y[train_index] fold_X_test = X_data[test_index] fold_y_test = y[test_index], fold_y_train) fold_preds = pred_fun(fold_X_test) X_blend[test_index] = fold_preds return X_blend # If projection was passed without ground truth # assume we are predicting a fitted model on a test set if len(projection) == 2: model, X_data = projection # Are we dealing with a classifier or a regressor? estimator_type = getattr(model, "_estimator_type", None) if estimator_type == "classifier": # classifier probabilities X_blend = model.predict_proba(X_data) elif estimator_type == "regressor": X_blend = model.predict(X_data) else: warnings.warn("Unknown estimator type for: %s" % (model)) # If projection is passed with ground truth do 5-fold stratified # cross-validation, saving the out-of-fold predictions. # this is called "Stacked Generalization" (see: Wolpert 1992) elif len(projection) == 3: model, X_data, y = projection estimator_type = getattr(model, "_estimator_type", None) if estimator_type == "classifier": X_blend = np.zeros((X_data.shape[0], np.unique(y).shape[0])) skf = StratifiedKFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1729) blend(X_blend, model.predict_proba, skf, X_data, y) elif estimator_type == "regressor": X_blend = np.zeros(X_data.shape[0]) kf = KFold(n_splits=5, shuffle=True, random_state=1729) blend(X_blend, model.predict, kf, X_data, y) else: warnings.warn("Unknown estimator type for: %s" % (model)) else: # Warn for malformed input and provide help to avoid it. warnings.warn( "Passing a model function should be" + "(model, X) or (model, X, y)." + "Instead got %s" % (str(projection)) ) # Reshape 1-D arrays (regressor outputs) to 2-D arrays if X_blend.ndim == 1: X_blend = X_blend.reshape((X_blend.shape[0], 1)) X = X_blend return X