Source code for kmapper.visuals

# A small helper class to house functions needed by KeplerMapper.visualize
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse
from sklearn import preprocessing
import json
from collections import defaultdict
from ast import literal_eval
from .utils import deprecated_alias
import os
from jinja2 import Environment, FileSystemLoader, Template, StrictUndefined

colorscale_default = [
    [0.0, "rgb(68, 1, 84)"],  # Viridis
    [0.1, "rgb(72, 35, 116)"],
    [0.2, "rgb(64, 67, 135)"],
    [0.3, "rgb(52, 94, 141)"],
    [0.4, "rgb(41, 120, 142)"],
    [0.5, "rgb(32, 144, 140)"],
    [0.6, "rgb(34, 167, 132)"],
    [0.7, "rgb(68, 190, 112)"],
    [0.8, "rgb(121, 209, 81)"],
    [0.9, "rgb(189, 222, 38)"],
    [1.0, "rgb(253, 231, 36)"],

palette = [

[docs]def colorscale_from_matplotlib_cmap(cmap, ii_off=0, ff_off=0, nbins=10): """Create a colorscale from a matplotlib colormap. See for more details about matplotlib colormaps. Parameters ---------- cmap : matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap A matplotlib colormap ii_off : int The starting index offset to use when sampling the matplotlib colormap. Must be in the range 0-255. ff_off : int The ending index offset to use when sampling the matplotlib colormap. Must be in the range 0-255. nbins : int Number of bins (i.e. samples of the colormap) to take when constructing the colorscale. Returns ------- colorscale A colorscale Examples -------- >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # use a non-truncated colormap >>> colorscale = colorscale_from_matplotlib_cmap( >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # skip the first 10% of the matplotlib colormap >>> colorscale = colorscale_from_matplotlib_cmap(, ii_off=255//10) >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> # skip the last 10% of the matplotlib colormap >>> colorscale = colorscale_from_matplotlib_cmap(, ff_off=255//10) """ if cmap.N != 256: raise ValueError("Not implemented for colormaps with cmap.N != 256") if ii_off + ff_off > 256: raise ValueError("ii_off + ff_off must be less than 256") ii = 0 + ii_off ff = cmap.N - ff_off sk = (cmap.N - ii_off - ff_off) // (nbins + 1) cmap_list = [cmap(el) for el in np.arange(cmap.N)[ii:ff:sk]] rgb_strings = [ "rgb({}, {}, {})".format(int(255 * el[0]), int(255 * el[1]), int(255 * el[2])) for el in cmap_list ] if len(cmap_list) != nbins + 1: raise ValueError("Failed to build correct size colorscale") return list(zip(np.arange(nbins + 1) / nbins, rgb_strings))
def _colors_to_rgb(colorscale): """Ensure that the color scale is formatted in rgb strings. If the colorscale is a hex string, then convert to rgb. """ if colorscale[0][1][0] == "#": plotly_colors = np.array(colorscale)[:, 1].tolist() for k, hexcode in enumerate(plotly_colors): hexcode = hexcode.lstrip("#") hex_len = len(hexcode) step = hex_len // 3 colorscale[k][1] = "rgb" + str( tuple(int(hexcode[j : j + step], 16) for j in range(0, hex_len, step)) ) return colorscale def _to_html_format(st): return st.replace("\n", "<br>") def _map_val2color(val, vmin, vmax, colorscale=None): """Maps a value val in [vmin, vmax] to the corresponding color in the colorscale returns the rgb color code of that color """ colorscale = colorscale or colorscale_default if vmin >= vmax: raise ValueError("vmin should be < vmax") scale = list(map(float, np.array(colorscale)[:, 0])) colors = np.array(colorscale)[:, 1] colors_01 = ( np.array(list(map(literal_eval, [color[3:] for color in colors]))) / 255.0 ) v = (val - vmin) / float((vmax - vmin)) # val is mapped to v in[0,1] idx = 0 # sequential search for the two consecutive indices idx, idx+1 such that # v belongs to the interval [scale[idx], scale[idx+1] while v > scale[idx + 1]: idx += 1 left_scale_val = scale[idx] right_scale_val = scale[idx + 1] vv = (v - left_scale_val) / (right_scale_val - left_scale_val) # get the triplet of three values in [0,1] that represent the rgb color # corresponding to val val_color01 = colors_01[idx] + vv * (colors_01[idx + 1] - colors_01[idx]) val_color_0255 = list(map(np.uint8, 255 * val_color01)) return "rgb" + str(tuple(val_color_0255)) def _scale_color_values(color_values): """Scale all columns in the color_values array to be between 0 and 1. Parameters ---------- color_values: 1d list or 2d array A 1d vector of one color value for each datapoint. If a 2d array, one row for each datapoint in the graph, and each column represents a color_value for a given point. """ color_values = np.array(color_values) if color_values.ndim == 1: # Reshaping to 2-D array is required for sklearn 0.19 color_values = color_values.reshape(-1, 1) color_values = color_values.astype(np.float64) # MinMax Scaling to be friendly to non-scaled input. scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler() color_values = scaler.fit_transform(color_values) # "Scaler might have floating point issues, 1.0000...0002". Force max and min color_values[color_values > 1] = 1 color_values[color_values < 0] = 0 if color_values.shape[1] == 1: color_values = color_values.ravel() return color_values def _format_meta(graph, color_function_name, node_color_function, custom_meta=None): n = [l for l in graph["nodes"].values()] n_unique = len(set([i for s in n for i in s])) if custom_meta is None: custom_meta = graph["meta_data"] if "clusterer" in custom_meta.keys(): clusterer = custom_meta["clusterer"] custom_meta["clusterer"] = _to_html_format(clusterer) if "projection" in custom_meta.keys(): projection = custom_meta["projection"] custom_meta["projection"] = _to_html_format(projection) mapper_summary = { "custom_meta": custom_meta, "color_function_name": color_function_name, "node_color_function": node_color_function, "n_nodes": len(graph["nodes"]), "n_edges": sum([len(l) for l in graph["links"].values()]), "n_total": sum([len(l) for l in graph["nodes"].values()]), "n_unique": n_unique, } return mapper_summary @deprecated_alias(color_function="color_values") def _format_mapper_data( graph, color_values, node_color_function, X, X_names, lens, lens_names, custom_tooltips, nbins=10, colorscale=None, ): """ Parameters ---------- color_values: 1d or 2d array Should have one column for each vector of datapoint color values node_color_function: string or 1d array a single string or a 1d array of string names of np function(s) to use to calcaulate node color """ if colorscale is None: colorscale = colorscale_default if isinstance(node_color_function, str): node_color_function = [node_color_function] color_values = np.array(color_values) if color_values.ndim == 1: color_values = color_values.reshape(-1, 1) json_dict = {"nodes": [], "links": []} node_id_to_num = {} for i, (node_id, member_ids) in enumerate(graph["nodes"].items()): node_id_to_num[node_id] = i node_color = [] for _node_color_function_name in node_color_function: _node_color = _node_color_function( member_ids, color_values, _node_color_function_name ) if np.array(_node_color).ndim == 0: _node_color = [_node_color] if isinstance(_node_color, np.ndarray): _node_color = _node_color.tolist() node_color.append(_node_color) t = _type_node() s = _size_node(member_ids) tt = _format_tooltip( member_ids, custom_tooltips, X, X_names, lens, lens_names, color_values, colorscale, node_id, nbins, ) n = { "id": "", "name": node_id, "color": node_color, "type": t, "size": s, "tooltip": tt, } json_dict["nodes"].append(n) for i, (node_id, linked_node_ids) in enumerate(graph["links"].items()): for linked_node_id in linked_node_ids: json_dict["links"].append( { "source": node_id_to_num[node_id], "target": node_id_to_num[linked_node_id], "width": _size_link_width(graph, node_id, linked_node_id), } ) return json_dict def _build_histogram(data, colorscale=None, nbins=10): """Build histogram of data based on values of color_values""" if colorscale is None: colorscale = colorscale_default # TODO: we should weave this method of handling colors into the normal _build_histogram and combine both functions colorscale = _colors_to_rgb(colorscale) h_min, h_max = 0, 1 hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(data, range=(h_min, h_max), bins=nbins) bin_mids = np.mean(np.array(list(zip(bin_edges, bin_edges[1:]))), axis=1) histogram = [] max_bucket_value = max(hist) sum_bucket_value = sum(hist) for bar, mid in zip(hist, bin_mids): height = np.floor(((bar / max_bucket_value) * 100) + 0.5) perc = round((bar / sum_bucket_value) * 100.0, 1) color = _map_val2color(mid, 0.0, 1.0, colorscale) histogram.append({"height": height, "perc": perc, "color": color}) return histogram @deprecated_alias(color_function="color_values") def _graph_data_distribution( graph, color_values, node_color_function, colorscale, nbins=10 ): node_averages = [] for node_id, member_ids in graph["nodes"].items(): node_color = _node_color_function(member_ids, color_values, node_color_function) node_averages.append(node_color) node_averages = np.array(node_averages) if node_averages.ndim > 1: histogram = [] for node_averages_column in node_averages.T: _histogram = _build_histogram( node_averages_column, colorscale=colorscale, nbins=nbins ) histogram.append(_histogram) else: histogram = _build_histogram(node_averages, colorscale=colorscale, nbins=nbins) return histogram def _format_cluster_statistics(member_ids, X, X_names): # TODO: Cache X_mean and X_std for all clusters. # TODO: replace long tuples with named tuples. # TODO: Name all the single letter variables. # TODO: remove duplication between above_stats and below_stats # TODO: Should we only show variables that are much above or below the mean? cluster_data = {"above": [], "below": [], "size": len(member_ids)} cluster_stats = "" if X is not None: # List vs. numpy handling: cast to numpy array if isinstance(X_names, list): X_names = np.array(X_names) # Defaults when providing no X_names if X_names.shape[0] == 0: X_names = np.array(["f_%s" % (i) for i in range(X.shape[1])]) # be explicit about the allowed sparse formats if scipy.sparse.issparse(X): if X.format not in ["csr", "csc"]: raise ValueError( "sparse matrix format must be csr or csc but found {}".format( X.format ) ) # wrap cluster_X_mean, X_mean, and X_std in np.array(---).squeeze() # to get the same treatment for dense and sparse arrays cluster_X_mean = np.array(np.mean(X[member_ids], axis=0)).squeeze() X_mean = np.array(np.mean(X, axis=0)).squeeze() X_std = np.array( # use StandardScaler as a way to get std for dense or sparse array np.sqrt(preprocessing.StandardScaler(with_mean=False).fit(X).var_) ).squeeze() above_mean = cluster_X_mean > X_mean with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): std_m = np.sqrt((cluster_X_mean - X_mean) ** 2) / X_std stat_zip = list( zip( std_m, X_names, X_mean, cluster_X_mean, above_mean, X_std, ) ) stats = sorted(stat_zip, reverse=True) above_stats = [a for a in stats if bool(a[4]) is True] below_stats = [a for a in stats if bool(a[4]) is False] if len(above_stats) > 0: for s, f, i, c, a, v in above_stats[:5]: cluster_data["above"].append( {"feature": f, "mean": round(c, 3), "std": round(s, 1)} ) if len(below_stats) > 0: for s, f, i, c, a, v in below_stats[:5]: cluster_data["below"].append( {"feature": f, "mean": round(c, 3), "std": round(s, 1)} ) return cluster_data def _format_projection_statistics(member_ids, lens, lens_names): projection_data = [] if lens is not None: if isinstance(lens_names, list): lens_names = np.array(lens_names) # Create defaults when providing no lens_names if lens_names.shape[0] == 0: lens_names = np.array(["p_%s" % (i) for i in range(lens.shape[1])]) means_v = np.mean(lens[member_ids], axis=0) maxs_v = np.max(lens[member_ids], axis=0) mins_v = np.min(lens[member_ids], axis=0) for name, mean_v, max_v, min_v in zip(lens_names, means_v, maxs_v, mins_v): projection_data.append( { "name": name, "mean": round(mean_v, 3), "max": round(max_v, 3), "min": round(min_v, 3), } ) return projection_data def _tooltip_components( member_ids, X, X_names, lens, lens_names, color_values, node_ID, colorscale, nbins=10, ): projection_stats = _format_projection_statistics(member_ids, lens, lens_names) cluster_stats = _format_cluster_statistics(member_ids, X, X_names) color_values = np.array(color_values) if color_values.ndim == 2: member_histogram = [] for color_values_vector in color_values.T: _member_histogram = _build_histogram( color_values_vector[member_ids], colorscale=colorscale, nbins=nbins ) member_histogram.append(_member_histogram) else: member_histogram = _build_histogram( color_values[member_ids], colorscale=colorscale, nbins=nbins ) return projection_stats, cluster_stats, member_histogram def _format_tooltip( member_ids, custom_tooltips, X, X_names, lens, lens_names, color_values, colorscale, node_ID, nbins, ): # TODO: Allow customization in the form of aggregate per node and per entry in node. # TODO: Allow users to turn off tooltip completely. custom_tooltips = ( custom_tooltips[member_ids] if custom_tooltips is not None else member_ids ) # list will render better than numpy arrays custom_tooltips = list(custom_tooltips) projection_stats, cluster_stats, histogram = _tooltip_components( member_ids, X, X_names, lens, lens_names, color_values, node_ID, colorscale, nbins, ) tooltip_data = { "projection_stats": projection_stats, "cluster_stats": cluster_stats, "custom_tooltips": custom_tooltips, "histogram": histogram, "dist_label": "Member", "node_id": node_ID, } return tooltip_data def _render_d3_vis( title, mapper_summary, histogram, mapper_data, colorscale, include_searchbar, include_min_intersection_selector ): # Find the module absolute path and locate templates module_root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates") env = Environment(loader=FileSystemLoader(module_root), undefined=StrictUndefined) # Find the absolute module path and the static files js_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static", "kmapper.js") with open(js_path, "r") as f: js_text = css_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "static", "style.css") with open(css_path, "r") as f: css_text = if np.array(histogram).ndim == 1: histogram = [histogram] # Jinja default json serializer can't handle np arrays; provide custom encoding def my_dumper(obj, **kwargs): def np_encoder(object, **kwargs): if isinstance(object, np.generic): return np.asscalar(object) return json.dumps(obj, default=np_encoder, **kwargs) env.policies["json.dumps_function"] = my_dumper # Render the Jinja template, filling fields as appropriate html = env.get_template("base.html").render( title=title, mapper_summary=mapper_summary, histogram=histogram, dist_label="Node", mapper_data=mapper_data, colorscale=colorscale, js_text=js_text, css_text=css_text, include_searchbar=include_searchbar, include_min_intersection_selector=include_min_intersection_selector ) return html def _node_color_function(member_ids, color_values, function_name="mean"): return getattr(np, function_name)(color_values[member_ids], axis=0) def _size_node(member_ids): return int(np.log(len(member_ids) + 1) + 1) def _type_node(): return "circle" def _size_link_width(graph, node_id, linked_node_id): return 1