HTML Visualization Features

Last updated 2021-10-08 with kmapper version 2.0.1

This page demonstrates some of the options available when using kmapper.KeplerMapper.visualize to create KeplerMapper html visualizations.

Colors for samples and nodes

A set (or sets) of color_values associate values with samples. These values are mapped to a specified colorscale via min-max scaling. These mapped colorvalues are used for two things on the visualization:

  1. Histogram distributions

    The “details” pane for a node displays a histogram distribution of that node’s samples’ colorvalues.

  2. Node colors

    Each node is assigned a color based on its samples’ colorvalues. node_color_function determines the assignation function.

If more than one set of colorvalues or node color functions is specified, then dropdowns in the visualization allow toggling between them.


Min-intersection selector

Min-intersection, an argument passed to, is used to determine whether an edge should be drawn between pairs of nodes. The html visualization can dynamically change the min-intersection it uses to draw edges. Submitting a new value uses javascript to perform the same logic as is done in python in .map. The starting value for the html visualization is the value that was used to create the graph, which is read from metadata saved in the html file.


Lock focus on and reposition nodes

Normally, nodes are free to float around the visualization, acted upon by gravity and repulsion forces decided by the underlying d3-force simulation. However, clicking-and-dragging a node will cause that node to become “frozen” – it will stay where you drag it.

Individual frozen nodes can be unfrozen, and all nodes can be unfrozen (or frozen) at once:


Nodes’ positions and “frozen”-settings can saved to a .json config file. Node positions can be loaded from that file. Useful if the .html file and the .json file to be stored and transferred in tandem, potentially for collaboration purposes.


Light and dark modes

The visualization can be changed to a white background which may be better for printing.